Friday, 29 May 2009

Basic Pairs Trading using Excel

Here is a short demo of how to trade a simple pairs ratio using KaiTrade and the Excel Plugin

A more advanced demo using KaiTrade's built-in algorithims can be seen here
These are intended to show how you can sumit orders for two products simulatously from Excel and work out the P&L for the pairs trade.

Also check out our website here -

Thursday, 28 May 2009

Demo Videos

Here is a list of our demo and training videos - we will be extending these.

Is this the quickest way to trade from Excel?

We think our Excel plugin gives KaiTrade users the fastest way to trade multiple markets directly from Excel - Here is a short demo of how to trade from Excel using kaiTrade and TD Ameritrade.

KaiTrade Excel demo   In just minutes you can be trading your strategy.

Simple yet powerful 
It is clearly simple to trade using the tools we provide, but we also give you all the power of the KaiTrade platform:
  • Access to multiple asset classes - you can trade the world
  • Speed of a regular application
  • Access to order management algorithms such as pairs trading and auto stops
  • Access to baskets and synthetic products
  • Access to real time prices and hsitoric data(depending on the broker)
  • Access to extensions written in C++/C# using our plugin API
Our approach is quite different from other vendors in that we only use the standard Excel RTD function for both getting data into the sheet and order requests out - this means we do not install any addins (COM or VBA).

This way we avoid the complication of loading software into Excel and benefit from improved performance and execution since the work is all done in the main KaiTrade application.

Contact KaiTrade for better ways of trading!

Monday, 4 May 2009

New Drivers!

We will be bringing two new driver connections on stream this month TD Ameritrade and Cunningham (CTS)

These will widen the range of markets available to our customers and allow people to trade a wider range of asset classes, for example the eMini S&P against a basket of stocks.

All the existing plugins and algos will be available for these new connections.